Tuesday, October 6, 2009

morning messages

if fate favors you one day
and you are asked
what you want to be

don't wish
to be someone else

becoz I tell you,

you are wonderful enough,
just the way you are.


Always say

"I'm happy
becoz God is with me.

Where I am,
there He is...

What I do,
He can see...

How I feel,
He knows...

with God, everything is wonderful..."


The best way
to walk each day
is not by walking with new shoes

but by walking with Jesus.

Walk not only by feet
but with Faith.

is the sweetest form of love.
When someone says
takes care,

it really means
that you will stay
in their heart
till its last beat...

so take care always...g'am.


If you feel stressed, give yourself a break.
Eat some cake, ice cream,
candies and chocolates...


coz stressed spelled backwards



You can choose where to sit
but you can never choose the person
who will sit on the vacant seat besyd you.

dats what happens in a bus...

same thing when you fall in love.


Great Friendship
is about two main things:

is to find out the similarities.


is to respect the differences.


Positive thoughts:

Forget about all the reasons
why it may not work.

You only need to find one good reason
why it will.


If yesterday didn't end up
the way you planned it,

always remember,

"if God wanted your yesterday
to be perfect,
He doesn't to create today."


Life is hard
but God is good.
Life is unpredictable
but God is steadfast.
Life is unfair,
but God is just.

Life is a challenge,
but God is our confidence.

never give meaning
to a little act of sweetness
for it might give you
a wrong impression
and expectation.


Laughter is the brush
that sweeps away
the cobwebs of the heart.
So wear a smile wherever you are.

Have a nice day!


Life is not a marathon
nor a sprint...

so don't rush things...
coz anything worth having
is worth waiting for...


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Before you find fault
be sure that you are dealing
with facts and not figments
of the imagination.

In other words,
bad manuya...
but if tu-od, okay lang.

Do you know
what makes "first times"

it's the only history
in ones life that never
repeats itself

some times,
you have to run away

not just to create distance
but to see who cares enough
to run behind
and pull you back


The Earth weighs 6.6 septillion tons.

Don't make it heavier by
carrying a heavy heart...

Stay light.
laugh often.
Love much.

boy: pag tau na, sabay
nating haharapin ang mga problema...

girl: wala naman akong problema eh...

boy: kasi nga hindi pa tau...
wag kang excited!...

have you ever realized
that when some people say
"you've changed..."

its just because you stopped
living you life...
their way...

A man experienced being robbed by thieves
in his diary he wrote,
"Let me be thankful first because
they took my purse and not my life;
second, although they took my all, it was not much
especially my faith; and third, because
it was I who was robbed and not I who robbed."

God has a purpose behind every trial
and the good things behind the worst

Never say,

"this is the best time of my life"

as Homer Simpson said, "This is the best time of life...so far!"
Better things are yet to come.

Dey say that expecting
is one way of hurting yourself.


What if you have
been given reasons to expect?

Expecting doesn't hurt you,
assuming does.

God always plan the best for us
sometimes we feel being left out
but actually God is saving the better
one than what we asked for

Its not how you rock a person's world
when you come into ones life

nor how you kip ur image

wats far better
s not being liked when you came in]
but being missed when you leave

Whenever you feel weak
remember those who make you stronger
and whenever you start to doubt yourself
remember those who believe in you

Did you know that the heart has no pain receptors?
So the next time someone breaks your heart, move on

ur pain is just an illusion.
A temporary psychological disturbance
that you have to overcome.

in short,
its all in the mind.

One step backward
does not mean ur defeated

it just means dat you will
take the same step forward again

but this time

Girl: don't be shy,
you can ask me out...

boy: Ok...
Go Out!

you will never be
good enough for everybody...

but this is for sure,
you are the best for someone who
really appreciates you

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Everybody wants happiness...
no one wants pain...

but how can you make a rainbow
without a little rain?

D path
u walk
n lyf
s unique.
No 1
walks d road
better dan
4 u alone
rule ur own destiny.
So continue
ur best and stay hapi!

One step backward
does not mean ur

it just means dat u will
take d step
forward again
but this time,

Da biggest form of flattery
is knowing that just by
being yourself

you made sum1 extremely

Thought for the day,
"If I love myself despite
its infinite faults, how can I
hate anyone at the glimpse of a few faults?"

A person who truly cares for you
is someone who sees the
pain in your eyes...

while everyone else still
believe in the smile painted
in your face.

In tough times,
stay motivated by looking
at how far you have come

rather than how far you have to go.

Count your blessings and not how much your missing.

the worst regret we can have in life
is not for the wrong things we've done
but for the right things we could have done
but never did.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I used to think
that life is a fairytale
full of magic...

but that was a long time ago

I know that
there is more to life
than just
"happily ever after"

I've learned that we get wiser
each day
and no fairy can lead us
to happy ending

we decide
we struggle
and somehow

we begin to understand
that we have the power
to make each day better
than yesterday

There are moments in life
that I will always remember
not because they were important
but because
u were there

Thursday, February 5, 2009

do you know what is
wrong with the word

It gives people the wrong idea
that any mistake can be solved
by a single word.

After you stand
try to sit.

When you are tired,
just rest.

Try to do this in love.

Don't insist if it is not for you.

If you can't bear the pain,
try to quit.

Find somebody who will love you
who is really for you.
And if you can't find, try to wait.

Love will last
when you know how to
do the opposite of
what it asks

One of the biggest form of flattery
is knowing that
just by being your
normal and wonderful self

you made someone
fall in love

depend your happiness
to someone
you think
you'll gonna spend
the rest of your life with

coz in times of goodbyes

you have nothing else to do
but to cry.

He eased the pain
when I faked the wound.
He calmed me down
when I faked the mood.
He was instantly there
when I faked the call.
But why didn't he catch me?

I didn't fake the fall!

It was fun chasing an illusion...
...it gave me a reason to be happy even if it wasn't real.

It's just disappointing
cause when the chase ended
I was left with nothing but a memory
that never existed.

A great man shows his greatness
by the way he treats little men.

The service we render for others
is really the rent we pay for our
room on this earth.

Never entertain ideas which you know will
bring lots of regrets and arguments.

If you don't like the ending
never dare start.

Think about this,

Any one can make you happy
by doing something special...

but only someone special
can make you happy
without doing anything.

Only in God are we truly safe and secure.
anything else is false security.
Whether you are surrounded by mighty walls of ston,
a comfortable home,
or a secured job
no one can predict what tomorrow may bring.
Our relationship with God
is the only security that cannot be taken away.

The best feeling in the world
is realizing that you are perfectly happy
without the thing you thought you needed the most.

Being kind is much more important that being right.
For sometimes, what a person needs
is not a brilliant mind that speaks
but a patient heart that listens.

the things we
can't change

end up changing us!

While I'm busy looking
up the balloon, I've realized that there's an ice cream
melting on my hand.

Make sense?
Don't take things for granted.

what's gud about saying
nothing is dat, you
lessen d tendency 2 hurt others.

the bad thing is,
u never really realize how
keeping quiet hurts u.

Monday, January 5, 2009


We became friends
and i wasn't disappointed.
I found myself
very fond
the bond we shared

and I could only hope
we'd stay this way,

a lil longer
than forever.


in three ways...

He says
and gives you
what you want...

He says
and gives you
something better...

He says
and gives you
the best
in His own time.

love again

Every tear of sadness that
we shed for a person we
love is a capsule of
memory that we have to leave behind.

We fall in love so that
we will learn;
we get hurt so that
we will become strong;

and we cry so that we can let go
and find our place in the life
of someone who will love us the way
we have loved.


We are all
capable of
making ourselves happy,

...but happiness is
somewhat different
when someone else
does it for us.

Flipping coins

Let's Flip a coin...

If it's a HEAD,
we'll be friends forever.

If it's a TAIL,

we'll flip it again.


...I know that there's a big chance that people
don't like me.

there is an even bigger chance

that I don't care...=D

falling apart

Sometimes two people
have to fall apart for them to realize
how much they need to fall back together

Mind and Heart

Just when
my mind found the answers,

my heart changed the question.


I cannot hate those people
for what they have done to me
for as soon as I begin to hate
I become just like them...

and unloved.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Family and Friends

Do you know which is
the best part of life?

It's when your family
understands you as a friend...

and your friends
support you as
your family.

Life is better when
you're happy but life is
at its best when other
people are happy
because of you.

Be inpired.
Give Peace.
Happy 2009!

A Second Chance

Starting all over again
is not
that bad;

for when
you restart,

you get another chance
to make things right...

A little Something

Ur a little something
in dis
big world dat
may not
b seen
nor noticed


u hu

ur a

in my
little world.

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